perm filename FUNDIN.M2[ADM,DBL] blob sn#163131 filedate 1975-06-07 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
∂04-JUN-75  1624		AM,DBL
 After talking with Randy, I've been able to improve the control structure
 of the system somewhat. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to talk
 about in a week or so. 
 Re finances: assuming the AI Lab gets the $400K it was unofficially allocated,
 Cordell has told me that there will be sufficient funds for me for next Fall.
 So your group wouldn't have to support me that quarter. This summer I definitely
 will need support; next Winter and Spring quarters are uncertaain (it depends upon
 what ARPA gives to the AI Lab next December).
 SRI is getting more and more crowded. While I can manage there adequately, I keep
 noticing (via the NETLOAD command) that site SCI-10 is almost unused during the
 evening and nighttime. Can I get some time there? Should I approach Ed directly
 about that, or who? (I have a govt. security clearance, if that matters).
 I hope all is going well with your administering of AI Quals. The feedback I've
 received from the students has been quite positive. The only complaint, as usual,
 was that there was not enough time to properly prepare (this comes both from the
 candidates and the committee members). If you have any suggestions for next year's
 qual, please send them to me or Terry.